Epic Games has released a brand new Fortnite update. Fortnite v16.20 fixes many known issues and adds a new share of cosmetics to the game. One of the most important issues that have been tweaked could be storm visibility, which has been a hot topic in the past couple of patches. Epic Games has tried to fix the storm multiple times, and now it should be much fairer to everyone.
Fortnite’s additional counterparts such as Creative, Save the World, and the Mobile version has also received some fixes. As posted on the official Trello page, you can find them all below. Before we jump to the patch notes, we can also highlight that numerous quests have been fixed. Without further ado, take a look at all of the fixes implemented with 16.20.
Fortnite 16.20 Fixes
- Code Green Wrap not appearing correctly.
Battle Royale
- “Get a headshot with a bow” Quest fixed.
- “Travel distance while swimming” Quest fixed.
- Arena playlist issues. (PLEASE READ UPDATE)
- Storm visibility is clear when using Performance Mode.
- Collection Book Character #17 not appearing on the Island.
- Slurpshrooms and Coconuts temporarily disabled.
- Start with ‘Pickaxe’ Creator setting still spawning with a Pickaxe.
- Vehicles not moving properly in Creative.
- Save the World
- The “Directive: Mission Alert 2!” quest is not properly tracking completions.
- The “Directive: Mission Alert 2!” quest is not properly tracking completions.
- Cosmetics in Lobby appearing blurry on Nintendo Switch.
- 3D resolution reset itself even if the player saved the settings.