Broadcast – Part 4 is a quest in Escape From Tarkov given by Jaeger.
Broadcast – Part 4 Quest Details

Quest Dialogue
It’s the same story again, a new recording, now with a strange symbol. What the hell is going on? People are being sacrificed. To whom? Why? So many questions, yet no answers. I keep thinking it’s the worst we’ll ever see, but every time I’m proven wrong. We’ve fought looters with only money on their minds. Murderers who just want to shoot innocents, too. But at least I understand the motivation there, the beast has defeated the human in their soul. But with what purpose do people become these… I cannot understand this. So, soldier, I’ll look for them in the woods, you do the same in the city. Somewhere there must be their hideout. Look for the same symbol, I’m sure we’ll see it again.
- Locate the cultist meeting spot on Streets of Tarkov
- Survive and extract from the location
- +22600 XP
- +0.03 reputation with Jaeger
- ~90,000 Roubles
- x2 Expeditionary fuel tank
So now that we know who did it, we’re being sent to find the Cultist’s meeting spot on Streets of Tarkov. No worries, the entrance can still be cheesed, and get inside without using a key. If you remember, we’ve made a guide on how to enter the marked room without using a key, and below you can find the previously written guide.