Player stats have been temporarily disabled in Fortnite Battle Royale. While all of the services look healthy, one is currently absent, as players won’t be able to keep track of their stats. This announcement was made on @FortniteGame, Fortnite’s official Twitter Profile.
According to it, players won’t be seeing any stats, as they will be shown as zeroes on the Career page. Even though the stats are currently disabled, they will still be recorded in the background, which lessens the pressure for all of the hardcore players.
Below you can find the official Tweet made by @FortniteGame made today, August 21st, 2019.
We have temporarily disabled stats, and they will show as zeroes on your Career page. We are still recording data, so your stats will be updated when they are re-enabled.
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) August 21, 2019
A concrete reason is missing, however, without specific info on why the player stats are being disabled. While no extra information is available, we’ll have to blankly guess and hope it’s a word of brief maintenance.