New Co-Op Brawl or more precise a Zergling invasion is about to appear in Heroes of the Storm. The new HOTS patch celebrates StarCraft’s 20th anniversary and aligns the latest releases in Heroes of the Storm, coming from the StarCraft department. The new Co-Op Brawl will include waves of Zerglings making the players quite uncomfortable to keep their stay.
This kinds of Brawls are indeed very fun to participate. Since the Escape From Braxis Brawl, players have wanted a similar type of Brawl, for which they could battle their way out and beat a whole bunch of AI. This time, not only a zergling could stop us, but it will be an entire invasion of them. Our job is to defend the Deadman’s Port and beat the waves.
Blizzard has released a new video covering a lot more content than just the brawl, which highlights the 20 years anniversary, including new announcers, skins, Zergling mounts, portraits, and more. The content update and Co-Op Brawl will be available to play on March 30 and do not worry because it’s not related to April’s Fools at all.
You can watch the video down below: