In a delightful twist for players of World of Warcraft, the latest update brings some noteworthy changes to the Renown Vendors. With Patch 11.1, these vendors from Season 1 are now awarding Season 2 Crests, opening up fresh opportunities for adventurers seeking to enhance their gear and experience.
Season 1 Renown Vendors Award Season 2 Crests in Patch 11.1
This change will excite many in the community, as players can now collect these valuable crests and further customize their characters’ capabilities.
Check back with the Season 1 Renown vendors and see what new rewards might await you!
Auditor Balwurz for the Council of Dornogal in Dornogal
Waxmonger Squick for the Assembly of the Deeps in Gundargaz
Auralia Steelstrike for the Hallowfal Arathi in Mereldar
Lady Vinazian for The Severed Threads in The Weaver’s Lair
If you’re diving back into Azeroth, check out these updates! What do you think about this new development? Will it change how you approach gearing up your character?