It is time for the last 14 days of summer challenge, which is currently available in Fortnite. Rarely complicated, this time we need to find seven grills and destroy them with the Low n’ Slow Harvesting Tool. You will need to destroy precisely 7 of them, so let’s find out where exactly are they positioned.
Throughout this guide, we’ll discover a lot of grill locations, and they will be more than 7. Let’s take a look at all of the barbecue locations in Fortnite below:
Even if the last 14 days of summer requires you to destroy only 7 of them, as you can see in the image above, there are a lot more than just 7 of them spread across Fortnite’s map.
With this, we can conclude today’s guide and have a lovely summer. Being the last day of the 14 days of summer challenges means that the Fortnite developers are getting back and we need to prepare for the live event which is about to occur.