The Warframe community has received a new update with the arrival of Techrot Encore: Hotfix 38.5.5. This patch brings several important changes, tweaks, and fixes designed to improve gameplay and address ongoing issues players have encountered.
- Re-enabled Auto-Disband for publicly matchmade squads.
- We disabled this mechanic in the last Hotfix as it was causing players to get stuck on the End of Mission screen and have to forcibly exit the game. Our hope is that this issue was fixed. We’ll be closely monitoring reports and will disable this mechanic again if it is causing further issues.
- Also fixed Archon Hunt squads being disbanded after each mission, instead of staying together until the third mission is complete as intended.
- Pheroglands now have a unique waypoint in Legacyte Harvest missions.
- These waypoints will appear for players within 25m as a way of highlighting this speed-up mechanic for Kalymos.
- Updated Coda Bassocyst’s unique trait description to explain the buff earned from Mercy Kills.
- Now reads: “Alternate Fire swarms enemies with mites, inflicting them with Impact and Magnetic Status Effects. If the targeted enemy is open to Mercy Kills perform a ranged finisher instead. Perform a Mercy Kill to gain +100% Damage and +100% Multishot.”
- Also fixed Coda Bassocyst’s Mercy Kill buff missing an icon and description in-mission.
- Disabled Ability use in the Legendary Rank 5 test as you don’t need Abilities to hack.
- This addresses players being able to use Perspicacity to auto-hack these consoles, which goes against the spirit of this test.
- Replaced a few more words in the Technocyte Coda name generator and made further refinements to the name generation system to avoid unfortunate name combinations.
- Increased the grace window of Temple’s metronome SFX from 4 to 7 Backbeat beats.
- Also slightly increased the volume of the metronome SFX.
- Increased the volume on SFX for the Techrot Cache and Techrot Cache key.
- Also slightly increased the radius at which they can be heard.
- Various Technocyte Coda animation fixes and polish.
- Polished various Technocyte Coda SFX.
- Refined the SFX mix for Gemini Skin voice lines to avoid unintended fluctuations in enemy sounds.
Top Fixes:
- Fixed certain accounts being stuck replaying the same missions in The Hex Quest replays.
- Fixed not being able to swap the polarity on the Exilus Slot.
- Fixed cases of enemies spawning very far away in Stage Defense missions.
- Now, enemies can only spawn in the defense objective tile.
- Fixed Melee Doughty’s Critical Multiplier bonus cap being unintentionally lowered to 10x with the Gara’s Shattered Lash changes.
- It should be 50x once more!
- Fixed Equinox Prime literally losing her head when she has a Coda Cyst.
- Fixed being unable to select Lettie in a certain section of The Hex Quest.
- Fixed Stalker being able to invade Technocyte Coda Showdown missions, possibly resulting in progression stop.
- Known issue: Stalker can still be summoned via a Stalker Beacon.
- Fixed being unable to add Aura mods to the “Skip These Mods” in the Quick Select screen in the Mods menu.
- Fixed Necramechs not spawning in Temporal Archimedea for Clients who equipped the Vintage Tech Peely Pix.
Baruuk Reactive Storm Fixes & Changes:
- Fixed Baruuk’s Reactive Storm Augment transforming all Melee damage into the enemy’s weakness type, instead of just the base Impact Damage.
- Removed a feature of Baruuk’s Reactive Storm Augment that tried to build towards the enemy faction weakness that you modded for.
- The enemy weakness targeted will now be consistent regardless of Mods, prioritizing Combined Elemental Damage types, and never choosing a Physical Damage type.
- This also fixes an issue where Impact Damage was always prioritized instead of Corrosive Damage when fighting Grineer and Scaldra.
- Fixed Baruuk’s Reactive Storm Augment combining base Elemental weaknesses with modded base Elements.
- Fixed cases of Teshin’s element switching mechanic not having a tutorial pop-up in The New War if the player used the mechanic before they get to the relevant section in the mission.
- Fixed being able to get out of bounds in a certain part of Teshin’s section in The New War quest.
- Fixed Gara’s Shattered Lash showing incorrect original Critical Multiplier when equipped with Arcane Melee Doughty.
- Fixed Technocyte Coda Mixtapes spawning in Temporal Archimedea missions.
- Fixed being able to kill Technocyte Coda while they’re still on-stage, causing some unintended complications.
- Fixed Umbral Mods’ set bonuses not updating on-hover in the Upgrade Screen.
- Fixed Dojo Transporter text being difficult to read.
- Fixed the Heart-Beat Ephemera not retaining custom energy colors in Höllvania missions.
- Fixed various armor and holster offsets on the Gyre Vortengeist Skin.
- Fixed various offsets for the Lunarius Syandana.
- Fixed incorrect offset on the Riv Elite Leg Guard on Cyte-09.
- Fixed various offsets for the Endocitos Shoulder Armor.
- Fixed various offset issues with the Chymerist Drifter Suit.
- Fixed a bright yellow light appearing near the Railjack Pilot Seat for low-spec machines.
- Fixed controller users being unable scroll in a “Related Items” list in the Market if the Market item you’re previewing has a rotatable diorama.
- Fixed various edge-case issues for pro-rated bundles.
- Fixed Gift of the Lotus Alert missions on Earth sometimes overlapping with the Cetus node in the Navigation Menu.
- Fixed a script error related to activating Null Star as a Railjack ability.
- Fixed a case of function loss when exiting the Arsenal.
Missed Note from Hotfix 38.5.4:
- Fixed out of memory crashes caused by the Ability Overload Risk Variable in Archimedea missions.