Vindicta is the hellish sniper in Deadlock, and it’s most definitely one of the most exciting heroes to play, especially when you donk someone with your ultimate. As you may have noticed, the hero is usually always the highest on net worth, and that’s because of its insane movement.
Everything you need to have on this hero is below. It’s always good for you to learn all of the in-game items in case you need something out of the ordinary.
Early Game / Laning Stage
+5% Fire Rate +40 Bullet Shield Health Deal bonus Weapon Damage with headshots. +45 Head Shot Bonus Damage Headshot Booster +30% Bullet Velocity +14% Weapon Damage +50 Bullet Shield Health High Velocity Mag +24% Ammo +15% Weapon Damage Basic Magazine +1 Stamina +10% Stamina Recovery +7% Fire Rate Is component of: Superior Stamina Extra Stamina +1 Bonus Ability Charges +10% Cooldown Reduction For Charged Abilities +6% Weapon Damage Is component of: Rapid Recharge Extra Charge +40 Spirit Shield Health +6% Weapon Damage Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit. 35 Bonus Damage Is component of: Improved Burst Mystic Burst +8 Spirit Power +1 Health Regen +35 Bonus Health Is component of: Improved Spirit Extra Spirit
Headshot Booster
§ 500
High Velocity Mag
§ 500
Basic Magazine
§ 500
Extra Stamina
§ 500
Extra Charge
§ 500
Mystic Burst
§ 500
Extra Spirit
§ 500
+45 Bonus Health Active: Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast. +370 Total HP Regen +2m/s Sprint Speed (Conditional) 17s Regen Duration 30m Cast Range Is component of: Rescue Beam Healing Rite +160 Bonus Health +5% Weapon Damage Extra Health
Healing Rite
§ 500
Extra Health
§ 500
Early to Mid Game
+20% Ammo +90 Bullet Shield Health Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond a minimum distance from your target. +40% Weapon Damage (Conditional) 15m Min. Distance Long Range Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip. 50 Damage +15% Fire Rate Bonus (Conditional) 12s Max Frequency Quicksilver Reload +300 Spirit Shield Health While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power and Cooldown Reduction. +20 Spirit Power While Shielded +8% Cooldown Reduction While Shielded Enchanter's Barrier +300 Bullet Shield Health While you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate. +28% Weapon Damage While Shielded +8% Fire Rate While Shielded Combat Barrier +28% Bullet Lifesteal +75 Bonus Health Bullet Lifesteal
Long Range
§ 1,250
Quicksilver Reload
§ 1,250
Enchanter's Barrier
§ 1,250
Combat Barrier
§ 1,250
Bullet Lifesteal
§ 1,250
+15% Ammo +75 Bonus Health +2 Health Regen Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when you are movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept. +400 Bullet Shield Health (Conditional) +200 Spirit Shield Health (Conditional) 9s Duration Reactive Barrier +20% Weapon Damage +8 Spirit Power Teleport straight ahead, gaining Bullet Resist. +30% Bullet Resist (Conditional) 13m Teleport Range 5s Buff Duration Warp Stone
Reactive Barrier
§ 1,250
Warp Stone
§ 3,000
Mid to Late Game
+50% Bullet Velocity +15% Weapon Damage +150 Bullet Shield Health Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed. +140 Head Shot Bonus Damage 8% Heal Per Headshot +2m/s Move Speed / Conditional 3s Move Speed Duration 6s Cooldown Headhunter +20% Ammo +15% Weapon Fall-off Range +35% Weapon Zoom +175 Bullet Shield Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond a minimum distance from your target. +70% Weapon Damage (Conditional) 15m Min. Distance Sharpshooter +2 Bonus Ability Charges +55% Faster Time Between Charges +25% Cooldown Reduction For Charged Abilities Components: Extra Charge Rapid Recharge +100 Spirit Shield Health +8% Weapon Damage Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it. +10% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional) Improved Burst +3 Stamina +20% Stamina Recovery +30% Air Jump/Dash Distance +7% Fire Rate +8 Spirit Power Passive: Increases the number of Air Dashes and Air Jumps that can be performed before landing from 1 to 2. Components: Extra Stamina Superior Stamina
§ 3500
§ 4,250
Rapid Recharge
§ 3,500
Improved Burst
§ 3,500
Superior Stamina
§ 3,500
+125 Bonus Health +8 Spirit Power +8% Fire Rate Active: Become immune to bullets and melee attacks. 3.5s Duration 22s Cooldown Metal Skin +225 Bullet Shield Health +14% Weapon Damage 0% ➜ 28% Spirit Power Throw a flask that explodes on contact, creating an area that does increasing Spirit Damage per second and causes enemies to receive additional Weapon Damage from your team. Deals 40% less DPS vs non-heroes. 46 DPS (+50% Weapon Damage Conditional) 97 Max DPS 10m Radius 5s Duration 26s Cooldown Alchemical Fire
Metal Skin
§ 3,000
Alchemical Fire
§ 3,000
Late Game
+20% Fire Rate +15% Cooldown Reduction +10% Spirit Lifesteal Gain bonus Spirit Power by charging up with your bullets on enemy heroes. +45 Spirit Power (Conditional) 50% Buildup Per Shot 18s Duration Spiritual Overflow +60 Spirit Power +300 Bonus Health +15 Health Regen +3m/s Sprint Speed +25% Weapon Damage Components: Improved Spirit Boundless Spirit +20% Weapon Damage +10% Bullet Lifesteal +10% Spirit Lifesteal Headshots reduce target's Bullet and Spirit Resist. -24% Bullet Resist Reduction -24% Spirit Resist Reduction 5s Debuff Duration Crippling Headshot +70% Weapon Damage +10% Fire Rate +1 m/s Move Speed -15% Max Health Each hero kill grants permanent Weapon Damage (up to a max of 5 times). Death results in the loss of 1 stack. +10% Weapon Damage per Kill (Conditional) Glass Cannon +35% Spirit Lifesteal +35% Bullet Lifesteal +175 Bonus Health +12 Spirit Power +15% Weapon Damage Leech
Spiritual Overflow
§ 6,300
Boundless Spirit
§ 9,800
Crippling Headshot
§ 6,300
Glass Cannon
§ 6,300
§ 6,300
+150 Bonus Health +15% Spirit Resist +1 m/s Move Speed +12 Spirit Power Active: Suppress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. Can be cast while channeling. 6s Duration 60s Cooldown Unstoppable +18% Cooldown Reduction +20% Weapon Damage +12 Spirit Power Passive: If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health. +50% Rebirth Health Soul Rebirth
§ 6,300
Soul Rebirth
§ 6,300