Now that Fallout 76 is launched, multiple patches were needed to settle down a couple of bugs and completely polish the game. With that being said, Bethesda scheduled a couple of updates to improve the gameplay and some broken mechanics. Sadly enough, the patch was not scheduled for the PC version of the game, but the consoles only.
This has been proved since the console players received an update in huge size, which basically made them download the whole game all over again. On the other side, the PC players will need to wait a bit longer, even though the slim but annoying issue with the push to talk being perished, we won’t receive any update regarding the same.
The social experience in Fallout 76 is on a very low level, and players across the world need to embrace the occurrence for the time being, or until Bethesda adds it within some next patch.
The current gaming industry is striving to bring more players to the consoles, and most likely they’re already having more players than any PC platform, which is quite usual to see patches and improvements coming more frequently to console rather than PC players.
With all of that being said, the alleged day-one patch for Fallout 76 at least for the PC platform is off the hook. Currently, we need to deal with the issues on our own. But, honestly speaking, it has a lot more things to do so we could just ignore the concerns and wait for the fixes.