I was reading online that a lot of agents are missing the old “New York setting” in the fresh sequel. Well, do not despair, as Terry Spier, creative director at Red Storm, has announced that one of the Year 1 episodes will bring you back to the Original Series setting, New York. Something happened and you need to retaliate whatever wrong fell in New York. As an agent, you will either freshly experience or get the chance to satisfy the nostalgic needs.
That is not the only thing coming to The Division 2, and Year 1 content coming with the Season Pass is just at the doorstep. During E3 2019, Ubisoft has announced that new missions will become available in The Division 2 very soon.
Episode 1
More precisely, the first episode will take the players to the National Zoo in which a mighty outcast leader is hiding. After his elimination, agents will be set on a new path to a new mission at Kenly College in which you’ll need to fight additional enemies to discover what’s hiding in there. All of that will occur in Episode 1 as the main content, aside from many other additions coming to the game.
Episode 2
Moving to Episode 2. Episode 2 will increase the monumental impact in Division 2, with a journey to the Pentagon, the United States Department of Defense. Being inflated by the scariest faction, the Black Tusk, it is up to you to reincarnate the losses and take the control over Pentagon in your hands.
Episode 3
Episode 3, as mentioned above, will set you on a far journey to New York. A chance to relive the past and correct whatever has turned wrong. An episode in which former Division agent has turned rogue and it is up to you to find him. Knowing that the New York area already exists, it will be nice to merge it with the already existing The Division 2, allowing players to travel between The Division’s timeline.
New Raid
After the completion of Operation Dark Hours, the developers have sensed the raid was a bit too easy. Some of the top players have managed to finish the raid within exceptional timing. Well, that won’t be the case this time, in which Ubisoft will have just enough time to develop a new high-end instance and experiment with new game mechanics, which will be a point-serve for future encounters.
With that being said, the next Raid for The Division 2 will launch this Fall, 2019.
Below you can find the official trailer for Year 1 content, announced by Ubisoft at E3 2019.
A further down below, you can also find the trailer for Episode 3.
The Division 2 will also include a brand new game mode, called Expeditions. Expeditions are going to be free events that will gather players to unexplored locations around DC. Stupid to compare, but still, a similar feature to World of Warcraft’s expeditions, in which collectibles, treasure rooms, and puzzles can be found.