After all the lousy environment Star Wars: Battlefront 2 went into, EA tries to settle things down. Because of that, DICE has released a new patch for Star Wars: Battlefront 2, changing its economy and progression system, as well as increasing player’s loot at the end of a match.
EA has announced these changes after they have disabled the loot boxes. It was kind of inevitable for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 to receive this changes, as EA is left without choices after all of the gaming commissions have announced that loot boxes are gambling. After their removal, some of the fans have accepted the change and supported Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on a global scale, but most of them stood out of EA’s way.
Let’s go a bit into details. This patch will increase end-of-round payout and will give players three times more than what it provides now. It will also allow players to earn 3x more credits daily in Arcade Mode. End of a match will give around 1500 credits. This update is alive, while tomorrow there’s another update to schedule. The update that follows is Star Wars: Battlefront II The Last Jedi season, featuring factional challenges.
The upcoming update will feature new free heroes, maps, and vehicles, as well as return Iden Versio in Star Wars: Battlefront II. I love the fact that Daily Logins will provide more crafting parts than before as well as we can experience crafting and upgrading easier.
It was known that EA had no choice except to change all of the settings. Origin will automatically update your game with the new content.
Too late & Not good enough E.A.
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