Spyro Reignited Trilogy has surely amazed all its fans by simply providing fail details on its official website. For a moment, it looked like Spyro is coming to the PC platform, without any further clarification by Activision. They have not stated that a PC version of Spyro Reignited Trilogy will be released, but the game’s official website showcased something different.
Well, while most of the fans appeared to be a new release, it has been recently proven that it is just a mistake, and Spyro Reignited Trilogy will not appear on the PC platform at all. The error was corrected so that now, PC is no longer listed among the platforms. Instead, the release will occur only on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Despite this fix, there is still a vital chance for Spyro Reignited Trilogy to make a later appearance on the Nintendo Switch, such as many other games did. The game is expected to include original soundtracks alongside a remaster of its three original Spyro Games. This is supposed to increase the gameplay content further, as many more levels will be available to play through.