Anime Expo 2023, North America‘s largest celebration of Japanese pop culture, announced today a unique collaboration with Pokemon GO. The event, hosted by The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, will feature the rare Unown X Pokemon at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 1-4.
Attendees can expect a flurry of confetti in their Pokemon GO app as they enter the Convention Center, a sign of the augmented reality surprises awaiting them. Apart from the usual fun-filled activities at the Anime Expo, this year, badge holders will be able to hunt for the elusive Unown X Pokemon around the event space. Extended three-hour lure durations will be in place to increase the chances of catching this rare Pokemon.
As per the details shared by a Reddit User on TheSilphRoad SubReddit:
LA Convention Center will have Unown X during Anime Expo (July 1-4)
byu/MineOSaurus_Rex inTheSilphRoad