RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 is the third installment for the classic RollerCoaster Tycoon Series by Frontier Developments, first released in 2004. Today, its Complete Edition was announced for the PC and Switch, which will release September 24, including the Soaked! And Wild! Expansions. That means you’ll choose from around 300 different rides, 60 shops, 500 scenery decorations, and 20 animals!
The game will also be tweaked a bit, so it won’t seem that out of date, including tweaks to the visuals and overall gameplay. It’ll be optimized for a 1080p resolution on PC and will be available on Steam and the Epic Games Store. Unfortunately, there’ll be no 4K support, but it won’t make a difference since it’ll be nostalgic for everybody who played the classic RollerCoaster Tycoon series.