Resident Evil 3 Remake gets a new update scheduled to fix a lot of bugs. With a size of 414MB, this update remains undetailed for its changes. Everyone predicts that this update develops a slew of changes that are about to improve the gameplay experience. Gameplay issues begone are Capcom’s new patch moto if you’re asking me.
Shortly after the update, players have been curious about the changes and created a new discussion on Steam regarding the matter. No Capcom representative has joined the conversation yet.
Resident Evil 3 is using Denuvo’s Anti-Tamper technology, which prevents cracks to be made. After a dedicated amount of timeline, developers usually remove this technology as it contributes to much better performance. However, this update and its size of 414MB hasn’t removed the Anti-Tamper tech.
So far, only Resident Evil 2 has removed Denuvo’s Anti-Tamper tech. This update is claimed to have also added a hidden collectible of the worm from cemetery that pays respect to the original game. The locations remain unknown, as players will have to gather their own intel or stumble upon it accidentally.