It’s unpleasant to see some major gaming websites losing crucial features, especially when it comes to word about PlayStation. Apparently, Sony is determined to change how the core PlayStation website works and remove some of the existing “My PlayStation” features.
Some of the My Playstation features have been really neat to users, as they could track multiple vital information, both for themselves and friends of theirs. Friends list and parties, trophies, own game library, everything was accessible by a click of a button.
Starting on June 28, nothing will remain available to users, as these My PlayStation features will no longer be active. The removal will keep the game library players on, but it won’t be as persistent as before, and the rest of the data will be manageable throughout the consoles, PS4 and PS5.
While the reason for this is unknown, Sony encourages PS4 and PS5 users to check for such critical information throughout the console itself rather than logging on to the website. So, checking trophies and managing friends will be uniquely available throughout the console layout. Hence, the official website won’t be as much as needed as before.