The world is currently facing a significant struggle caused by the Coronavirus, which managed to spread across the whole globe. A game such as Plague INC, which shortly after the virus outbreak faced a shutdown in China due to its intrusive gameplay that somewhat embraced the dark side of the narrative, now decided to offer a new game mode. This game mode is opposite to the previous, where you needed to find a way and infect the whole world, causing a pandemic. In the new and upcoming game mode, your role is a savior.
Ndemic Creations who work with World Health Organization, have realized how unusual the content of their game was, so they decided to properly reflect the current IRL situation and give people hope by adding a new game mode in which, unlike spreading a virus, you need to contain it.
This was announced on Ndemic Creations’ official website. The developer is currently helping the World Health Organization with donations, which aim will hopefully put an end to the spread of the Coronavirus. Mixing video games with real-life may sound quite inappropriate especially for a heavy situation like this one.
Major new Plague Inc. update
When arranging our donations with the WHO and CEPI, we were repeatedly asked if we could make a game which let the player work to stop an outbreak. Therefore, as well as providing financial support, we are accelerating work on a new Plague Inc. game mode which lets players save the world from a deadly disease outbreak.
Players will have to balance managing disease progression and boosting healthcare systems as well as controlling real-world actions such as triaging, quarantining, social distancing and closing of public services. We are developing this game mode with the help of experts from the World Health Organisation, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and more.
The new update will be free for all players during the pandemic and we will share more information as soon as we can.
The World Health Organization will help Ndemic Creations to reach the maximum effort and create content that will solely reflect the current IRL situation, with a realistic approach to stopping it.