Welcome to the newest Viktor build. Until I released the final build, I was getting triple minded about some of the cards. By the way, I look on Viktor as a free damage champion. The mobility you will get with this build is extreme.
First of all, you all know that Viktor is a damage champion and by the meaning of that everything you are going to need to do is kill people. I prefer to stay close to the tanks, more precisely behind their back, and trying to kill those contesting the capture point. The enemies will have a lot of trouble from you. Believe me.
To keep you informed that we are not going to show you what to buy in-game because those purchases must be made depending on the champions playing against you. We will continue to cover the champions in random order until we release the builds for every single one of them.
Paladins Viktor Build Guide – HitNRun
Card Firing Distance: 2 points
By using this card, you gain Increased movement speed while using Iron Sights by 20%. Seems like everything at Viktor Scales by 10%. Thich means it’s a lot easier to plan your next build if this one is not doing any good for you. So with this card equipped, while you aim with your right click, you can move faster and make enemy miss. Take cover more quickly, if you are already behind a cover… etc… I do not have anything to say about this card.
Card XL MAG: 3 points
This card will increase your ammo count by 6%. By using this card, you will get the chance to finish an opponent even if you are closing down on ammo. Yes, sometimes it’s a life savior. In addition to this card, a reasonable response card would be Speed Load, the one that gives you extra ammo by eliminating an enemy, but there is no point to use that card with 1 point only. Speed Load is good with either 4, or none. Let’s continue with the build.
Card Reflexes: 2 points
Reflexes are the card that will make you pop your Iron Sights faster by 30%. This is a good card if you are not using Compensator the card that gives you recoil control. Nothing else to explain over here too. I do not rely on these kinds of things, and I do know that this build is close to the basic Viktor. But it’s still OP.
Card Second Wind: 2 points
Now, this is where the fun starts. By using this card, you gain increased Hustle speed by 20% for 1.5 seconds after activation. The duration is not growing as you add more points to the card, but instead, the percent of speed is upgrading which I do not rely on. So all you want to do is pop hustle and run away from opponents, regen, get back. That’s all you need to do.
Card Scramble: 3 points
By using this card, you run a lot faster while taking damage and using hustle at the same time. The last two cards are perfectly optimized and make sure you keep them in this order. Sometimes, you will get the chance to run for 1 second 50% faster thanks to both of the cards. After that, if you are still being attacked, you will get only 30% which is more than enough to take a turn behind a wall or something. After that, it’s pretty much the same. Hustle until you Regen and turn on opponents, or go back in the middle of the fight and initiate with a grenade.
Pow pow pow, if you get in trouble use Hustle and go out of trouble, then regen and reinitiate the fight. That’s all you need to do!
Quick Tip: Taking 1 point of Firing Stance and adding it to XL MAG or Scramble can sometimes make a difference. We hope you like this build. It’s pretty much standard but very optimized build. You should do a lot better with it! I am pretty sure about that :).