1. Damage Champion: Cassie
Cassie is a lonely and silent killer. You can pretty much do everything you want with Cassie. Flanking, standing behind the Front Line, taking care of herself with her Disengage (Shoot an arrow that deals 200 damage and blast the target backward) and Dodge Roll (Quickly roll in the direction you are moving and after activating it the next shot deals 30% more damage). So, if you are getting flanked by Skye, she is squishy, and you can Disengage, Dodge Roll and start shooting at her.
We do not have much to say about all the damage dealers. Just taking care of everyone that’s opened while landing your shots precisely should do the job.
Cassie has an OP ulti, which can hurt pretty much everyone that’s trying to flank because of the revealing of his positioning. Yes, by using SCOUT (send your bird in the sky for 8 seconds, revealing enemies to allies), you can get map awareness boost. You will know what’s going on and what the other team flankers are planning (1 more pain for Skye). It’s good to use your ultimate whenever it’s ready.
Cassie Gameplay Video:
All-round damage dealer, engaging, disengaging, revealing the position of the enemy team… Cassie is One hell of a fighter.
Thanks a lot for this post!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SOOO GOOOOOOOOD!