CAPCOM has recently announced the upcoming Title Update 6 for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, set to launch on June 8, 2023, for Switch and PC via Steam. Title Updates 4, 5, and 6 would land simultaneously on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Microsoft Store on August 24, 2023.
The Sunbreak expansion has been a popular add-on to the base game, and the upcoming updates promise to inject a fresh shot of excitement into the Monster Hunter Rise experience.
The star of the forthcoming update is undoubtedly the introduction of a new monster – Primordial Malzeno. This creature, known for its knight-like elegance, transforms under the influence of the Qurio, shifting to underhanded tactics and explosive power when cornering its prey.
Alongside the updates, Capcom is launching several paid Downloadable Content (DLC) packs, offering a wide range of themed collections. These packs include the “Kamura Collection,” “Kingdom Collection,” and the “Cute & Cuddly Collection.” Each collection contains new Hunter layered armor sets and Hunter voices, providing a fresh new look and sound to player characters.
Capcom will introduce Event Quests with unique rewards as part of these updates. These quests offer more significant challenges, promising more exciting rewards as part of the Free Bonus Update until July 27, 2023. As Monster Hunter approaches its 20th anniversary, the developers look forward to the future, promising more exciting experiences for the player base.
With these substantial updates and content additions, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak promises to continue providing thrilling gaming experiences for veterans and newcomers alike. The continued commitment to enhancing the game based on community feedback bodes well for its future, as the Monster Hunter series charges towards its 20th year. Stay tuned for more updates as they roll out.