Will there be a new Mafia announcement? It set to be seen very soon. A while ago, there were rumors about a new Mafia game or a rework in the slightest hand. Today, a tease by the official Twitter profile was made. Inspires a family, in which Mafia is mostly all about.
The official Twitter account of Mafia has tweeted for the first time since 2018. The message contained the word “Family” and has already hyped up the whole world, thinking a new Mafia game is on the run.
— Mafia: Trilogy (@mafiagame) May 10, 2020
As we said, in the previous year, there was clear evidence that the Mafia game is coming. Take-Two filed a trademark for a new game under “Mafia 2”. Knowing that Mafia 2 is already available, this was a word about potential remaster.
Below you can find the full trademark info:
Therefore, there’s nothing else but to believe Mafia 2 remaster is close to release, considered the fact that the trademark was filed back on September 25, 2019. But, again, is it a remaster or a completely new game? We’ll have to wait and see.