Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, the brilliant minds behind the renowned Yakuza series, has just announced their latest project, “Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth,” set to release on January 26th, 2024. The game will be available on multiple platforms including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, ensuring fans across different gaming devices can experience the next chapter of this thrilling tale.
A teaser of what players can expect from the game was showcased during the RGG Summit Fall 2023. In the footage, we see Ichiban Kasuga, the protagonist of “Yakuza: Like a Dragon,” at his witty best, discussing Japan. The nostalgic presence of Kazuma Kiryu, the central character of the mainline Yakuza series, brings a smile to fans’ faces. Notably, the clip takes us on a journey set before the main storyline unfolds.
However, things take a dark turn swiftly as Kasuga receives a mysterious phone call that sends him spiraling. The teaser suggests that Hawaii will be a central location in the game, and fans can expect a blend of intense action, intriguing mysteries, and the trademark humor the series is renowned for.
“Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth” is a heartfelt reunion of old characters. The game promises appearances from beloved figures like Jo Sawashiro, Koichi Adachi, Yu Nanba, Saeko Mukoda, Goro Majima, Taiga Saejima, and Shun Akiyama. These familiar faces, paired with the introduction of new activities such as surfing and paragliding, are sure to keep players engaged.
The karaoke mini-game, a fan favorite, also marks its return. Darker tones in the storyline further accentuate the depth and richness of the Yakuza world. A concerning reveal is Kazuma Kiryu’s health, with hints suggesting he may be battling cancer.
While the teaser left us with more questions than answers, it successfully whetted the appetite of fans around the world. As the RGG Summit continues, many are eager to uncover more about the game’s storyline, characters, and gameplay mechanics. Until then, the teaser can be watched on YouTube (embedded at the top of this article).