Lash, the annoying Deadlock Hero is here! The guide for this hero is pretty straightforward, as we’re assuming you already know his abilities and capabilities before all. You can find the items to purchase in the list below:
Early Phase / Laning Stage (§500)
+85 Bullet Shield Health +90 Bullet Shield Health Deal additional Weapon Damage when in close range to your target. +25% Weapon Damage (Conditional) 15m Close Range Close Quarters +85 Spirit Shield Health +4 Spirit Power When you are above 60% health, deal additional Weapon Damage. +20% Weapon Damage (Conditional) Hollow Point Ward +5% Fire Rate +40 Bullet Shield Health Deal bonus Weapon Damage with headshots. +45 Head Shot Bonus Damage Headshot Booster +12% Fire Rate +1 m/s Sprint Speed -50 Max Health Rapid Rounds
Close Quarters
§ 500
Hollow Point Ward
§ 500
Headshot Booster
§ 500
Rapid Rounds
§ 500
+2m/s Sprint Speed +1 Health Regen +4% Weapon Damage Is component of: Enduring Speed Sprint Boots +160 Bonus Health +5% Weapon Damage Extra Health +45 Bonus Health Active: Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast. +370 Total HP Regen +2m/s Sprint Speed (Conditional) 17s Regen Duration 30m Cast Range Is component of: Rescue Beam Healing Rite
Sprint Boots
§ 500
Extra Health
§ 500
Healing Rite
§ 500
Must Buy:
+15% Ability Range +5% Spirit Resist Is component of: Improved Reach Mystic Reach +40 Spirit Shield Health +6% Weapon Damage Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit. 35 Bonus Damage Is component of: Improved Burst Mystic Burst +1 Bonus Ability Charges +10% Cooldown Reduction For Charged Abilities +6% Weapon Damage Is component of: Rapid Recharge Extra Charge
Mystic Reach
§ 500
Mystic Burst
§ 500
Extra Charge
§ 500
Mid Game
Make sure you purchase the proper items based on what’s needed the most.
+15% Bullet Resist +1 Stamina When in close range to your target, gain Weapon Damage and your bullets apply a Movement Slow. +45% Weapon Damage (Conditional) +25% Movement Slow (Conditional) 2s Slow Duration 15m Close Range Point Blank +14% Fire Rate Your bullets have a chance to shock your target. The shock will jump to a nearby enemy. +30 Shock Damage 25% Proc Chance 8m Jump Radius 2 Max Jumps Tesla Bullets +20% Weapon Damage +8 Spirit Power Teleport straight ahead, gaining Bullet Resist. +30% Bullet Resist (Conditional) 13m Teleport Range 5s Buff Duration Warp Stone +15% Ammo +75 Bonus Health +2 Health Regen Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when you are movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept. +400 Bullet Shield Health (Conditional) +200 Spirit Shield Health (Conditional) 9s Duration Reactive Barrier +275 Bonus Health After not taking damage for 11s, gain 4% Max Health Regen. When you are above 75% health, you have bonus Weapon Damage and Movement Speed. +25% Weapon Damage (Conditional) +2 m/s Move Speed (Conditional) Fortitude Active: You enter a void state and become untargetable and invincible for a short duration, during which you cannot move or perform any actions. Afterwards you instantly reload and gain bonus Spirit Power. Press [SPACE] to cancel early. 3.5s Duration +14 Spirit Power 10s Bonus Spirit Duration Ethereal Shift +21 Spirit Power +3 Health Regen +1m/s Sprint Speed +100 Bonus Health Components: Extra Spirit Is component of: Boundless Spirit Improved Spirit +35% Imbued Ability Ability Range +25% Non-Imbued Ability Ability Range +12% Spirit Resist +6 Spirit Power Components: Mystic Reach Improved Reach +25% Weapon Damage +12 Spirit Power +12% Spirit Resist Your attacks have additional Weapon Damage against enemies above 50% health. +25% Weapon Damage (Conditional) Pristine Emblem +1.4 m/s Move Speed +2m/s Sprint Speed +75 Bonus Health +1.5 Health Regen Reduces the effect of enemy Movement Slow. +40% Movement Slow Resist Enduring Speed +100 Spirit Shield Health +8% Weapon Damage Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it. +10% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional) Improved Burst
Point Blank
§ 3,500
Tesla Bullets
§ 3,000
Warp Stone
§ 3,000
Reactive Barrier
§ 1,250
§ 3,000
Ethereal Shift
§ 3,000
Improved Spirit
§ 3,500
Improved Reach
§ 3,500
Pristine Emblem
§ 3,000
Enduring Speed
§ 1,750
Improved Burst
§ 3,500
Late Game
+25% Weapon Damage +175 Bonus Health Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target's outgoing damage on hit. +25% Movement Slow (Conditional) -35% Damage Penalty (Conditional) 2.5s Debuff Duration Inhibitor +18% Cooldown Reduction +20% Weapon Damage +12 Spirit Power Passive: If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health. +50% Rebirth Health Soul Rebirth +150 Bonus Health +15% Spirit Resist +1 m/s Move Speed +12 Spirit Power Active: Suppress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. Can be cast while channeling. 6s Duration 60s Cooldown Unstoppable +60 Spirit Power +300 Bonus Health +15 Health Regen +3m/s Sprint Speed +25% Weapon Damage Components: Improved Spirit Boundless Spirit +15% Spirit Resist +125 Bonus Health -15% Spirit Resist On Spirit Damage Dealing Spirit Damage applies a stacking Spirit Amp that increases your Spirit Damage to the target. +6% Spirit Amp per Stack 15s Duration 0.7s Max Frequency per Target Escalating Exposure +20% Spirit Lifesteal +12% Cooldown Reduction Upon casting an ultimate ability gain temporary Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Spirit Power. +700 Bullet Shield (Conditional) +700 Spirit Shield (Conditional) +40 Spirit Power (Conditional) 15s Duration Diviner's Kevlar +45% Bullet Resist +10% Weapon Damage Components: Bullet Armor Improved Bullet Armor +45% Spirit Resist +8 Spirit Power Components: Spirit Armor Improved Spirit Armor
§ 6,300
Soul Rebirth
§ 6,300
§ 6,300
Boundless Spirit
§ 9,800
Escalating Exposure
§ 7,550
Diviner's Kevlar
§ 6,300
Improved Bullet Armor
§ 4,250
Improved Spirit Armor
§ 4,250