King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is a turn-based tactical action RPG developed and published by the Hungarian studio NeocoreGames. During the last month of 2020, it was revealed that this game would come out for Early Access on January 12th. However, NeocoreGames have pushed back this date to January 26th to polish some things out during a press release.
In the game, you play as Mordred, the main villain of the Arthurian legends. Both you and Arthur have fallen in a duel between each other, but the Lady of the Lake has revived you both. King Arthur has brought some dark forces to Avalon, so the Lady entrusts you, Mordred, to take him down.
You’ll also be aided by Arthur’s once-Knights of the Round Table, which will react to every single one of your decisions, in a good or a wrong way, making the game very RPG-like.
King Arthur: Knight’s Tale’s Early Access will only be available for Steam, while it’s going to get a full release also somewhere in early 2021 for PC, and then later for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.