Isn’t it dull when you grind for hours and lack loot? In Destiny 2, players have been yearning for the thrill of discovering something truly special. With the recent buzz around shiny weapons, it’s time we turn our attention to exotic armor and what could make it sparkle.
Introducing “shiny” weapons in the Into the Light content was a refreshing twist. Players could snag weapons that looked good and came loaded with double masterworked perks. This excitement is palpable, and it’s about time we see something similar in armor drops, which have felt stale lately.
Bungie has struggled to keep armor relevant, especially exotic pieces. Many players focus on getting decent stats rather than enjoying the thrill of finding gear that looks cool or feels unique. Just think about it: having to visit Rahool every time to focus on new seasonal exotics can be pretty tedious! Wouldn’t it be nice if some armor just dropped unexpectedly, looking fabulous?
I had a thought last year that I’m keen to pitch again: how about introducing shiny exotic armor? Imagine this: armor pieces dropping as wild finds, not just another engram with forgettable stats. Here’s a simple outline:
- The armor would come with minimum stats of 66 or above.
- A spiky distribution in at least two different stats would add variety.
- This could be labeled as “Tier 5” armor—something new Bungie is teasing.
- The pieces could drop fully masterworked—no more hoarding Ascendant Shards!
- An artifice slot would already be open, saving some hassle there too.
Now let’s talk cosmetics. While special shaders might feel off since they must match sets, how about adding a fun little logo or an icon like those flashy weapon designs? There’s plenty of room for creativity here!
Bungie’s upcoming changes in Frontiers might open doors for these ideas, too; we all want more than just “good stats.” The community craves those exhilarating moments where defeating an enemy leads to picking up something fabulous, a moment that feels rewarding rather than routine.