Hello Games, the creative force behind the groundbreaking space exploration game No Man’s Sky, has taken the wraps off their latest project, Light No Fire. This announcement, made by the studio’s founder, Sean Murray, at The Game Awards, marks a significant shift from the studio’s sci-fi roots to a new, fantasy-themed adventure.
Light No Fire has been under development for the past five years, a period during which Hello Games continued to enhance and expand No Man’s Sky. This parallel development showcases the studio’s commitment to exploring new horizons while nurturing its existing titles.
While No Man’s Sky offered players an expansive open-universe experience with a strong emphasis on sci-fi elements, Light No Fire promises to delve deep into fantasy. This pivot represents a bold new direction for Hello Games, as they aim to redefine fantasy gaming just as they did with sci-fi.
Sean Murray, known for his passion and ambitious visions, hinted at the scale and scope of Light No Fire. “Something very different, something maybe more ambitious,” he said, teasing the audience with the promise of an experience that could rival or even surpass their previous works.
Details about Light No Fire are still light. Will it feature the same expansive, procedurally generated worlds as No Man’s Sky? How will Hello Games infuse their unique storytelling and gameplay mechanics into a fantasy setting? There are plenty of questions we need answers to.