Reconnaissance-in-Force is a quest in Gray Zone Warfare given by Handshake. The quest asks you to go to the military base and eliminate 30 enemies. Pretty simple.
I’ve got a new recon mission for you, champ. But this time a bit more interesting. A bit more action packed! I want you to go to the military base and test their defenses.
Wreak havoc among the soldiers and look for soft spots. We need to know how many soldiers are still on the base and how well-organized they are. And make it look like we are bigger than the reality is. You know, Michael Bay stuff. Our enemies don’t need to know the truth.
- Attack the soldiers in the military base 0/30
- M4A1
- USD 4,600/50,000
- Experience 2000
- Reputation 200
You can maybe take a big scope and eliminate enemies from a distance as they won’t be able to notice you that easily. Before taking down one, make sure to clear his surroundings, because his friends will definitely aggro you.