Have you ever stumbled across something that feels oh-so-familiar, yet it’s being marketed as something brand new? Well, that’s the vibe we’re getting with Fay Keeper, a creature-catching game now available for wishlisting on Steam. It’s like walking into a bakery and finding your favorite pie recipe has been slightly altered, still delicious, but is it original?
Console PC Gaming recently contacted the developers behind this intriguing title, who reached out for a paid partnership. In today’s gaming world, such opportunities are rarer than finding a shiny Pokémon! But after taking a closer look at Fay Keeper, one can’t help but notice its striking similarities to the iconic franchise.
The color palette? Almost identical. The creatures? They feel like they’ve stepped out of the Pokémon universe, except they go by the name “Fays.” And let’s not forget about your very own “Faydex,” which seems like quite an homage to its predecessor. It raises some eyebrows and possibly even legal questions about originality.
The team at BGS Studios hasn’t shied away from discussing their inspirations either. When fans raised concerns about similarities to Pokémon on social media platforms because who wouldn’t, they acknowledged that inspiration was drawn from the classic franchise while promising enough differences to steer clear of potential legal troubles.
One post stated: “Pokémon was a huge ref, and the idea was for it to feel nostalgic, but the team and I are working on a lot of unique features that Pokémon games never had.” That’s quite the claim; we can only hope they deliver!
In response to copyright inquiries, a question many might have given how close this all seems, they reassured fans saying: “Although we took inspiration from a very nostalgic reference, every single pixel and line of code is being made from scratch by us.” So they’re crafting their own path while paying homage? Interesting approach!