Today, Battlestate Games started a new event in Escape From Tarkov. It first kicked off with Raiders coming to Factory in search of Tagilla. A couple of hours later, a contemporary manifestation occurs, indicating another potential move by the Raiders. The person in the letter says something about selling Tagilla’s location to the raiders. If that happens, that means a new invasion is upon us. Hence, expect Raiders to invade another area in the Norvinsk region, which is Interchange.
If the raiders get notified about Tagilla’s location, they will definitely move towards the big mall. This means that Interchange might become overcrowded by Raiders very soon. Interchange’s dim environment will provide a fantastic player experience in encounters with raiders.
Below you can find the latest tweet posted by Battlestate Games translated to English.
Don’t go to the chemical Factory. There are plenty of raiders in the search for Tagilla. He’s not there. He’s with his brother Killa at Interchange, and Tagilla thinks he will be able to slip away from them if he stays there. I am thinking about selling this info to the raiders. Do you have any idea how I can do that? Also, stop mistaking my name.
— Battlestate Games (@bstategames) March 18, 2022