Scrap Metal is a quest in Escape From Tarkov given by Peacekeeper. The quest asks you to head to Shoreline and mark tanks by using MS2000 markers.
Escape From Tarkov Scrap Metal Quest Details

Scrap Metal Quest Dialogue
Good day! As you can understand, the conflict here was rather serious and there is some heavy machinery left on the Shoreline. There are at least three T-90 of which I am aware, and I am sure there are many military devices remaining on them, such as laser rangefinders for example. Those models are not for export, and equipped with optics for domestic use. My customers would be very interested in comparing it to the samples owned by them. From the recon data, one of the tanks was left on the small land bridge between the weather station and the hydroelectric power station, the other one must be somewhere near the north-west bunker at the Health Resort, and the last tank should be in the village on the dirt road at the collapsed tunnel. Mark the tanks with beacons, and my people will do the rest.
- Locate and mark the first T-90 tank with an MS2000 Marker on Shoreline
- Locate and mark the second T-90 tank with an MS2000 Marker on Shoreline
- Locate and mark the third T-90 tank with an MS2000 Marker on Shoreline
- Survive and extract from the location
- +5,900 XP
- +0.03 reputation with Peacekeeper
- ~1000 Roubles
- 1x HK MP5 9×19 submachine gun (Navy 3 Round Burst)
- 120x 9x19mm PSO gzh
- Unlocks the purchase of HK MP5 9×19 submachine gun (Navy 3 Round Burst) SD
Reward Dialogue
Good, my people are receiving the signal. I hope the tanks are still intact.
- Required Items
- 3x MS2000 Markers
The quest requires you to head to Shoreline and mark three T-90 tanks. It also instructs you to survive and extract, but your successful extracts linger through death. This means that if you lose your life you can come back and just mark the remaining tanks and just extract. If you mark all three of them and get eliminated, then you would just need to survive and extract in the next Shoreline raid. Let’s take a look at all the T-90 tanks spread across Shoreline.
- One T-90 tank is located in the Village
- One T-90 tank is located north by the bunker at the Sniper Scav rock
- One T-90 is located on the bridge just east of the power station
You can find the map and close-up images below: