Have you played Shoot House 24/7 after it was added to Modern Warfare’s game mode cycle? Well, if you haven’t, I would personally discourage you from doing so because you will be disappointed by the new types of Shotguns that are joining the play. It’s not only the 725 that is a viable Shotgun, not anymore.
First of all, let me explain that this piece of opinion does not have anything to do with the other game modes. I mean, Shoot House 24/7 is the new Shotgun shelter, based on its size and environment. You cannot cross the whole map without meeting any opponent, and most of the time, you will be stomped and shut down by an opponent (probably using either the 725 or the R9-0 Shotgun).
The 725 struggles after the Weapon Tuning update, but it is still a compelling option at close to mid-range fights. While, the R9-0 has more shells and an easier to deal recoil, which suits very well in the Shoot House 24/7. With the right attachments, the R9-0 continues what the 725 left behind.
Its rate of fire is insane, and the burst of two consecutive shell-shots is faster by double than the 725. The reload time is nothing close to it, and if you’re one of the Shotgun fans, you should reconsider using the R9-0 instead.
Just as a reminder about the new map and game mode. You cannot race on the scoreboard against Shotguns on Shoot House 24/7. The map size is viable for agile players but is most fitting for Shotguns. However, the map is also the best for accomplishing various of challenges, so you may find it enjoying for that reason.