Infinity Ward’s upcoming Modern Warfare has become available for PS4 players. This version of the game has been released for cross-play testing purposes, and it only includes a 2v2 Gunfight.
If you’re unaware of what this game mode is, you can check the official reveal over here. The game mode divides four players into two teams of two. The goal is to build up the score by beating the opposite side. During the session, every two rounds will spawn all players with a different weapon, which adds some diversification.
Basically said, playing in pairs has never been so exciting. It’s a fast, robust, and satisfying game mode, in which player skills do matter. Being available on the PS4, every owner can now try it out.
Just ahead of the Alpha event, this version of the game also features a new Gunfight map named Speedball.
Below you can find the 2v2 Alpha Trailer, so you could get a grasp and think about your actions while your game is downloading. Have a lovely weekend and a ton of fun in Modern Warfare.