Battlestate Games, the renowned developer of the hardcore Escape From Tarkov, recently shared news of their ongoing testing phase for a new matching server system on the Early Test Server. The developer invites participants who received access to the ETS server to join this testing process and provide feedback, stirring speculation within the player community about a possible upcoming game wipe.
In the announcement, Battlestate Games called for active engagement from the community:
“For the past few months, there has been an ongoing testing of upcoming updates on the Early Test Server. Currently, the testing of the new matching server system is available. We invite all participants, who received access to the ETS server, to join the testing and leave feedback on the Discord server, as well as in a special feedback form in the Launcher.”
This latest move by Battlestate Games reflects a firm commitment to improving the player experience by identifying and addressing bugs before they affect the wider game. It also reinforces the developer’s focus on engaging players in the game’s continuous development.
Battlestate Games’ dedication to refining its updates through testing and player feedback has led to a wave of speculation among the community. With the current season progressing and typically culminating in a game wipe, players have started anticipating a potential wipe following the ETS server testing phase.
For the uninitiated, a game wipe entails resetting the game state, clearing all player progress and starting afresh. It is a commonly utilized technique during major updates or patches to level the playing field and introduce fresh dynamics.
It’s important to note that, as of now, Battlestate Games has not confirmed a wipe. However, the timing of the ETS server testing and the usual pacing of the game’s season has led to this speculation.