Apex Legends will receive a new playable legend named Newcastle, said Respawn Entertainment on Thursday. Newcastle is a heroic defender who will do everything to jump in and minimize squad damages. Newcastle is estimated to arrive with the launch of Apex Legends Saviors, which will declare the start of the brand new season. Apex Legends Saviors will launch on May 10, together with a new portion of ranked matchmaking and experience.
To celebrate its announcement, Respawn Entertainment published a new video of Newcastle, which armor and helmet strongly remind us of RoboCop. The new legend joining Apex Legends will be the 21st character joining the game. Apex Legends is obviously the new flagship shooter game for EA, as it has garnered a higher number of players than Battlefield 2042. Let’s take a look at Newcastle’s abilities below.
Apex Legends Newcastle Abilities
- Passive: Retrieve The Wounded
- Can use a knockdown shield while reviving and can drag a teammate over a short distance.
- Tactical: Mobile Shield
- Projected energy shield that moves forward across the battlefield following terrain. Blocks all weapon fire damage and deflects grenades and can be thrown while sprinting.
- Ultimate: Castle Wall
- Leap to target ally or area and slam shield into the ground to create a fortified castle wall.
Below you can find the official character trailer. As depicted in the trailer, Newcastle’s objectives are to bring hope to the hopeless and make sure everyone makes it home.