The fifth Title Update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak goes live tomorrow, April 20th, for Nintendo Switch and PC players. This update brings various new content, including adding a brand new Elder Dragon, Amatsu, and the Looming Calamity. You can find the brand-new trailer embedded at the top of this article.
Amatsu, a master of weather manipulation, brings with it the ability to create tornadoes and thunderstorms at will. The reveal trailer showcases this new addition’s fierce and robust nature to the game’s roster of Elder Dragons.
Another notable addition in this update is Risen Shagaru Magala, a variant Elder Dragon available at Master Rank 180. This ranking may seem relatively high compared to Amatsu, accessible at Master Rank 10, but it promises players a challenging and engaging experience.
The update also includes new Event Quests, allowing players to earn unique cosmetics like Lagombi Ears. Level 300 Anomaly Investigations will also be available, providing more opportunities for players to immerse themselves in the game.
Special Investigations are being introduced with this update for those seeking even more significant challenges. These missions involve battling Afflicted monsters with more damaging attacks and more comprehensive ranges than their standard counterparts. These quests are set to be the most challenging content in the game until the next update, so players should prepare accordingly.