Little Nightmares II is an upcoming horror puzzle-platformer developed by Tarsier Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game is about Mono, a young boy trapped in a world that has been distorted by the humming transmission of a distant tower. With Six, the girl in a yellow raincoat, as his guide, Mono sets out to discover the dark secrets of The Signal Tower and save Six from her terrible fate. However, their Journey will not be so straightforward, as they’ll encounter several types of disturbing horrors on their way.
Today, Bandai Namco released a trailer for Little Nightmares 2 as a celebration for Halloween.
The trailer from what we saw was bleak and dark, keeping the atmosphere of the first game. The world is also beyond creepy, with scary types of humanoid monsters that’ll prove an excellent challenge for Mono and Six.
Little Nightmares 2 launches on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on February 11th. The game is slated to launch on next-gen platforms later that year, and it has been confirmed that PS4 users will get a free upgrade to the PS5. There hasn’t been any news for the Xbox One and Series X, but we’re sure it’ll follow the same premise.