Life is Strange 2 is the third installment to the storytelling series, acting as a direct sequel to Life is Strange. This game introduces us to two young brothers on the run and their bond. It’s a bit different from Life is Strange, but that is what makes the game unique.
Today, the first episode for Life is Strange 2 has been made free-to-own. If you’re into storytelling games like Telltale’s The Walking Dead, you should try it since the first episode is free! By making it free, Square Enix is trying to regain the attention of the Life is Strange franchise, developed by Dontnod.
But, if you’ve already played it, look forward to Dontnod’s next project, Tell Me Why. It’s the first game to feature a transgender character, and it recently released its third and final episode. Tell Me Why is available on PC and Xbox One, but will also be available for Series X and S, but it’s a region locked game, meaning not everyone has access to it.