Tom Clancy’s The Division, the first ruthless tale of the series and the breakthrough of the deadly virus in New York, is currently available for everyone as a part of a promotion on Uplay (Ubisoft’s launcher). The game will be free-to-own until September 8th, so anyone who wants to have a permanent copy of this action looter-shooter RPG title can acquire it for free.
How to obtain a copy of Tom Clancy’s The Division on Uplay? Let us clarify that this is not a free-to-play period. Instead, it’s a permanent copy, so anyone who acquires this masterpiece will remain in his library forever. To get it for free, make sure you visit this link and claim your free copy.
Tom Clancy’s The Division was first released in 2016, followed by a vast number of player base with high expectations of the series. Throughout its timeline, Ubisoft somewhat failed with its goals and left the game unfed with content, for which the player base slowly withered. The current era of the franchise, Division 2, puts players on travel between DC and New York with its very last installment.
The vegetation in The Division 1 compared to The Division 2 is a lot better. In my personal opinion, this is why things escalated with the release of the second series. New York and its environment will always feel like the perfect place for a title of this caliber. Predominantly, the Dark Zone area itself.