Developed by Phase Two, Battle Hunters is an upcoming squad-based RPG coming to PC this October. It promises a new and unique combat system with 28 different characters to choose from. You’ll need to assemble your 3-man team and fight through waves of enemies and bosses. Each character will have a unique kit and abilities, meaning there’ll be various variety while fighting.
Combat takes place with melee and ranged characters, armed with all manner of swords, spells, blades and blasters. Heroes can be upgraded, swapped around, and mixed and matched to tailor make a party, giving you a better fighting chance. Locked chests and barrels of food provide plenty of loot to keep your pockets full of gold and your heroes well-fed. Mini quests provide short-term objectives while also driving the overall narrative forward.
Different heroes bring a range of strengths and weaknesses to the battle. With such a wide array of enemies to confront, the player must use the right combination of heroes to suit their own battle style, and to ensure victory.”
Here’s the trailer: