This goes for all the RIGS pilots and PlayStation VR fans who are festive and couldn’t wait for the winter season in Mechanized Combat League.
Tomorrow, December 20th winter season update starts in RIGS Mechanized Combat League. The grand opening will take place in Zurich, Switzerland. This is the first Europian stadium that looks like a skate park with skating bowls. That allows the players to accomplish big air jumps.
You can play in single-player or multiplayer mode and if you want to get more credits and fame you can do that in the Trial competition.
Every week there will be new weekly trials. You can win unique rewards but to get them, the player has to finish six trials, without failure.
After the first week of December 27th, you can get a first touch of the new version of RIGS, the APX RIGS. They are with much higher top speed and with better boost system.
RIGS Winter Season will also feature a Customization Store. What I find very interesting is the information about updating this store daily with new items.
Stay with us to get the latest updates in the following months for RIGS Mechanized Combat League.