Tuesday was used to be “the day” for delivering updates to Fortnite. However, after the postpone by Epic Games yesterday, the developers have decided to add a 24-hour delivery span due to some issues. Therefore, the acclaimed Fortnite v11.11 will arrive tomorrow at 4 AM ET, 09 AM UTC.
The confirmation has arrived on Fortnite Status’ official Twitter Profile. Below you can find the official tweet.
v11.11 is now scheduled to release tomorrow.
Downtime begins at 4 AM ET (0900 UTC). pic.twitter.com/8EshNIkHrt— Fortnite Status (@FortniteStatus) November 13, 2019
Recently, Epic Games decided to vault the patch notes, and with a couple of consecutive Fortnite updates in Chapter 2, no official patch notes have notified the fans of the arrived changes. Will it be the same with the development of Fortnite 11.11? We’ll have to wait for a couple more hours to see.