A recognizable challenge, I presume? Well, these challenges sound very straightforward, but some people are having difficulties discovering the iconic locations given within the task requirement. Therefore, worry not, as we’re here to help you complete Where to Visit a Painted Durrr Burger Head, a Dinosaur and a Stone Head Statue.
Some of the locations of the required objects are the same as the previous season. Therefore, no difficulties should be aroused, but there may always be an obstacle while being on the course of completion.
What makes this challenge extremely easy is not the known locations, but instead, the visit of each object is cumulative and could be done separately throughout each match. Not to mention, if you’re in a team rumble (which we suggest you to), this challenge will become even more accessible. After visiting one of the locations highlighted in the image below, you could reconnect. Of course, not everyone can find utility items to roam across the map.
Below you can find the map in which the three required locations are highlighted. The object properties are of a significant margin and should be seen from quite the distance. Without further ado, let’s see the sites of the Durrr Burger Head, the Dinosaur and the Stone Head Statue in the image below.
With the positions of the objects highlighted above, we can conclude this guide as successful. Just keep in mind that you do not need to forcefully complete all three locations within a single run. Instead, you can even quit the match, requeue and visit some of the other destinations to complete the challenge.