While the Summer event is ongoing in Fortnite and the unvaults of different weapons occur daily, we have to complete new challenges as well. This day, we have to bounce a giant beach ball to for multiple times, and in different matches. Worry not, as we’re here to discover the locations of all the Beach Balls.
There’s nothing additional as a requirement to complete this 14 days of Summer challenge. Finding the locations and pickaxing the giant beach balls is pretty much all you need to have. But, where are the beach balls located? Well, check the image of the map below, in which their spawn location is highlighted.
Once you visit the locations, make sure you pickaxe the Beach Ball until you receive a challenge progress confirmation. Otherwise it may not count, and you’ll pretty much need to close the challenge by playing in different matches. Hopefully, this will cut your struggles and will save you a lot of time.