Apex Legends, one of the newest masterpieces set by Respawn Entertainment in the BR genre is set to add a new penalization system. The core and only game mode offer a team of three players to be put into an island, leading to a possible disconnection by any of them at will. Having randoms in the team is not a pleasure in any case. Therefore, Respawn Entertainment is looking for options to prevent early leavers.
The first release of the penalization system was due to a mistake. It appeared on the live servers with no developer intentions to go live. However, the update has brought the salt and bitter among players who tend to leave matches early. After the first induction, the penalty system has gone offline, leading to a further explanation about the same.
Respawn Entertainment has also highlighted that all of the bans during that time in Apex Legends were caused due to a mistake, as the prevention was lifted. It all began due to a simple testing period on the live servers. After its removal, the developers have stated that the prevention system will come back online without an official ETA.
According to the developers:
So internally, we have been working on and testing this feature but it wasn’t our intention or plan to have it go live with the update that went out today. There was a piece of script that was missing and caused the leaving match early penalty to be turned on when it shouldn’t be. That’s why it wasn’t in the patch notes.
The penalty system could be a life savior to those playing solo. There are plenty of gamers that love to be matched with randoms and try to dominate the game by showcasing their skills. Since Apex Legends offers you the same game mode consisting of three teammates, it is more common to see this kind of penalty policy being developed.