If you believe that in Apex Legends the gear works as in other video games, let us cut you off and say it doesn’t. The game is different from the get-go, including the armor rarity. Every piece of Legendary Armor has something additional to offer and it’s not only the extra numbers of attack or defense.
The color is not the only factor separating the gear rarity. We’re certain you do not know what kind of purpose the legendary gear has, meaning we’re this early in the game, we suppose not everyone from you have had a chance to equip some. Let’s start with the knock down shield.
Apex Legends Legendary Gear Explained
- Legendary Knock Down Shield – Unlike other BR games Apex Legends gives you a chance to ressurect yourself. The Ability however, is consumed upon use, restraining the imbiber of doing the same again.
- Legendary Body Shield – The Legendary Body Shield has another additional stat. It serves to fully recharge your shields by performing a finisher on a downed guy.
- Legendary Helmet – The Legendary Helmet offers faster Ultimate recharge. Therefore it is good for using it with Ultimate dependant heroes. For example, LIFELINE, which ultimate is quite impactful on the game and could gear your crew to the teeth.
- Legendary Backpack – Despite the ability to wear more items simultaneously, this Backpack gives you the chance to pop-up heals a lot faster. The healing usage is half as long, no matter if Med Kit or Syringe.
Overall, Apex Legends has also Legendary weapons and attachments, but more about those we’ll speak in some other situation.