Valheim players, gather around! The latest patch, 0.220.3, is here to polish your Viking experience with a suite of bug fixes and optimizations. As you continue to build, explore, and conquer in this captivating world, this update aims to make everything feel just a bit smoother. So let’s take a closer look at what’s been tweaked and refined.
Patch Notes
- Various optimizations for memory usage
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Various fixes to build pieces
- Various Xbox improvements
- Various Mac improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
All platforms:
- Optimized Asset Bundles, reducing start-up times by up to 75%, build size by up to 35% and memory usage by 110 MB. Should also reduce the download size of future patches.
- Optimized UI rendering, improving FPS by 5-10% when CPU bound.
- Fixed memory leak that occurred when generating subsequent new worlds.
- Changed certain sound files to be loaded in background, reducing some specific lag spikes.
- Added a fix for movement to behave the same when holding down secondary attack while moving with the gamepad as on keyboard.
- Removed “Detailed particle systems” from Graphics settings and made the “off” setting the default.
- Added a fix to allocate less memory and lower execution time for certain types of input.
- Fixed a bug that caused inaccurate collision detection between AoEs and characters in multiplayer scenarios, e.g., sometimes catching on fire even when not walking into the fire.
- Fixed mouse being stuck held down after naming a map pin with virtual keyboard.
- Improved chat message and sign compliance with platform privileges, parental controls and local block list.
- Game now shows in-game player names in Player List for cross-network users as well.
- Reduced memory usage of profile pictures in Player List.
- Fixed a bug where tooltips in settings menu did not show up in-game.
- Fixed a freeze that could occur when changing the permitted list.
- Boss and death map icons are no longer manually placeable via controller.
- A brief message is now shown when hiding UI using a gamepad.
- Tweaked snap points of Ashwood Stakewalls for better alignment.
- Tweaked snap points for Grausten wall 2×2 for better alignment.
- Grausten arches are now allowed to be placed in different orientations in the same position.
- Tweaked Grausten Roof Corner so it no longer changes position when damaged.
- Blackmarble floor triangle and tip are no longer burnable.
- Fixed an issue that made some events able to trigger without their conditions being met.
- Hiding UI with CTRL + F3 now also hides sailing UI and Pause Menu UI.
- Updated localization.
- The game no longer needs to be restarted to observe profile updates in the game.
- Adds invite button to pause menu.
- This update reduces network usage somewhat for functionality related to Xbox network.
- The gamepad association UI now reappears if disconnected without keyboard & mouse connected or if no user is assigned to it.
- This patch has reduced risk of crashes significantly!
- If text communication is disabled via system settings, chat messages can no longer be sent; users will see a system UI popup instructing them how to change this setting if they wish to chat again
- The game language is now auto-selected based on console language at startup on consoles for first-time users!
- The minimum compatible MacOS version has been updated to 10.15!
- This update now uses TAA instead of FXAA for anti-aliasing!
- The success rate for Game Center friend invites has been improved!
- A fix was applied related to viewing text on signs while not signed into Game Center!
Your feedback during the PTB round has helped shape this patch into something special. With each tweak, bugs squashed, and memory optimized, it seems like Valheim is getting closer to its full potential. If you’d like more details or want to read through all the specifics yourself, feel free to check out the original announcement here.