We have some news to digest together if you’ve been eagerly awaiting the Black Hawk Down co-op campaign in Delta Force. The team has shared an update that might leave you feeling a mix of anticipation and patience, but trust me, it’s worth paying attention to.
The developers recently announced that the launch of this much-anticipated campaign will now take place during Season Starfall. While many of us were ready to jump right in, a little extra time is needed for the final touches. After all, who doesn’t want a polished experience? They promise your enthusiasm fuels their efforts to create something special for everyone involved.
This decision comes from a place of dedication to quality and community expectations. They’re making sure that when we do get our hands on the Black Hawk Down campaign, it’s truly something remarkable. It may be disappointing to wait a bit longer, but we can all agree good things come to those who wait!
The team expressed heartfelt gratitude for our patience and support throughout this process. It’s nice to see developers who genuinely appreciate their player base and communicate openly about changes like these. You can read more details directly from them at this link.
- Black Hawk Down Co-op Campaign: Launching during Season Starfall; exact date TBA.
- Acknowledgment: Team appreciates player support and patience as they finalize the experience.
So what are your thoughts on this delay? Do you think waiting will make the campaign even better? Let’s chat in the comments below!