Bungie is reportedly working on a new MOBA titled Gummy Bears, inspired by the well-known Smash Bros. franchise. This game was initially developed at Bungie before being transitioned to a new PlayStation Studio. Details about Gummy Bears are limited, mainly coming from concept art released by the studio. Previously, it was developed alongside Marathon, Bungie’s revival of its shooter series.
According to The Game Post, Gummy Bears is a team-based competitive MOBA aimed at a younger audience, featuring a bright and colorful art style with “lo-fi and cozy vibes.” The game will employ a percentage-based health system similar to that of Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros., allowing players to be knocked off the map entirely, another feature inspired by the iconic series.
Last year, Bungie provided updates regarding Marathon through various channels. Game director Joe Ziegler discussed its progress in a 9-minute YouTube video.
After announcing Marathon in May 2023, Bungie stated it would focus on development before showcasing gameplay again. The company confirmed that Marathon will be available on Xbox Series X/S alongside PS5 and PC versions; however, Xbox wishlisting has not yet been made available. Reports indicate that Bungie and Sony are considering pricing Marathon at $40.