In a new collaboration with Starbreeze Studios, Bohemia Interactive is happy to announce the arrival of the iconic star-spangled mask of Dallas, along with the entire original Payday crew’s masks to DayZ. This limited-time event kicks off today and runs until July 23, and will be available on the official servers, all platforms included.
The masks of Dallas, Chains, Wolf, and Hoxton are back with new and improved textures. For those who remember and have been a part of the original Payday heists, you can now get these masks in DayZ. Starting today, all official DayZ servers across all platforms will be hosting this event. The masks will be a part of the common loot table, which means they will be scattered throughout the world.
As the developer said: We’re collaborating with our friends at Starbreeze Studios to bring back the iconic star-spangled mask of Dallas, along with the masks of the original Payday crew. They’ll be returning to DayZ on the 4th of July for a limited time.
We’ve been hinting at this for quite some time, and legacy players have been requesting it as well. So we thought we’d bring the masks back with new and improved textures. Now’s a great time to walk down memory lane and gear up as everyone’s favorite heist crew. Let the robberies commence in style!
Don’t miss out on this exciting event, which will be available on all official servers and across all platforms. The fun begins on the July 4th and runs until July 23rd.
You can find the official event trailer below: