Rockstar Games, the creators behind the iconic Grand Theft Auto series, have surprisingly released the first official trailer for their highly anticipated game, Grand Theft Auto 6. This unexpected reveal comes ahead of the initially scheduled premiere, prompted by a leak on social media. The trailer is embedded at the top of this article.
The trailer, now available for everyone to view, confirms the speculations: GTA 6 will indeed return to the sun-soaked streets of Vice City, a virtual rendition of Miami. This latest installment in the series promises to bring a fresh perspective to the beloved setting.
In an exciting turn of events, the trailer showcases not one but two main characters. For the first time in GTA history, this includes a female protagonist, marking a significant milestone in the series’ evolution.
Rockstar’s hand was forced when an anonymous account, previously associated with Twitter, leaked a low-resolution version of the trailer on Monday. Complete with heavy watermarks, this premature release spread rapidly across the internet. The account responsible for the leak was swiftly banned, but the genie was already out of the bottle.
In response to this leak, Rockstar Games took to social media to address the situation. “Our trailer has leaked so please watch the real thing on YouTube”, the company stated, redirecting fans to the official high-quality version of the trailer.
While the unexpected leak disrupted Rockstar’s plans, it has only heightened the anticipation for GTA 6, which is slated for release in 2025. Fans are now more eager than ever to explore the virtual streets of Vice City once again.